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What I am going to do this semester is an AR game about viruses and the immune system which related to my studio2. I’ll make the white blood cell chase the virus in the maze, which looks like happened in the body.


I am interested in microworld like viruses and bacteria, I think this kind of species are mysterious and beautiful. Scientists still know little about viruses, but viruses are constantly changing, and humans can hardly keep pace with the evolution of viruses. Now that they are running out of antibiotics whereas superviruses are constantly growing, we can only change direction to tackle this problem. As normal people, I think everyone should know the basic knowledge about viruses. On all kinds of video websites, this kind of educational animation basically uses aside to explain complicated knowledge, It is clear but might be relatively boring and hard to watch. I hope I can present it in a more interesting way, so that the audience can be stimulated interest then try to search more on the internet.

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