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The research I did is mainly about the major part in the entire process, the process cotains: virus get in—grow—divide—gather and launch attact—white blood cells resist—white blood cells die—virus be killed clearly

1.    How does pathogen divide and multiply?

Viruses multiply only in living cells and inject their genome into the host cells across the cell wall. Bacterial consume nutrients from the environment and grow twice their size, they cut themselves in the middle, and one cell becomes two. 


2.  How does pathogen communicate with each other and launch virulence attack together?

Both of the virus and bacterial communicate with each other through their own chemical languages. They use quorum sensing to decide whether to divide or when to launch an infection.

3. How do white blood cells kill pathogen?

White blood cells can be divided into lymphocytes and macrophages, lymphocyte can be further divided into T lymphocyte and B lymphocyte.

Macrophages destroy germs as soon as they detect them. However, if a viral infection begins to take hold we fight back using a more powerful defense of white cells called T and B lymphocytes. 

Antibodies are a special protein made by B cells. They bind to a virus to stop it from replicating, and also tag viruses so that other blood cells know to destroy them. 


4. How do white blood cells die

As white blood cells die, they send out signals to fellow leukocytes nearby—possibly to alert them that they’ve been attacked by a pathogen, and are in the throes of death.

When the cell starts to die it forms these lumps which push outwards and when the cell then explodes, it shoots out long ‘beaded’ protrusions which look like a necklace, which then breaks apart into individual ‘beads’.

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