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The weekly exercise in class is very helpful to my project. Initially, I attempt to make an AR fitting room because I was very interested in AR and wanted to do something about ar, so my mood board in week 2 is totally different from my project. During the next few weeks, we trained to make animations about movement in class, which Ideate my project. I felt that I could combine movement and AR, and formed this plan about AR game related to studio 2. Exercise in class are very helpful for tests. First of all, I learned that action can be used to express characteristics, so when designing the virus movement, I draw the animation according to their symptoms. Secondly, timing is also very important, because viruses are aggressive and bad, so I basically let them move very fast. After that, I learned how to use shape morphing to present the action I want, which helped me to shape the idea of Studio 2 animation. I changed my narrative storyboard to abstract animation. Finally, the class about visualize sound will be useful for my abstract animation because its history often overlaps with the concerns and history of visual music. And I will change my animatic according to background music.

What next:

After six weeks of working, my game has a preliminary outcome, but there are still many parts need to be improved and many problems I need to figure out. In the next step I will focuse on:

Maze Design

The game happens in the human body, so I want to make the maze look like cells or body tissue. First I will draw an illustration as my image target, and then model it according to the target.



Character Animation

I saw a video about AR book, which combining 2D animation with a picture book, so I wonder if I can import 2D animation into unity as character movement. But I haven’t found any relevant tutorials, so if this plan can be implemented, I will use 2D software to make my animation. otherwise, I will model the virus according to my previous test and import 3D animation into the game.

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